Nellie Akalp

A pioneer in the online legal document filing space since 1997, Nellie has helped more than half a million small businesses and licensed professionals start and maintain companies across the United States, most recently through her Inc.5000 recognized company, CorpNet. She closely follows trends in the industry and shares her wealth of knowledge across various CPA and small business communities, establishing Nellie as one of the most prominent influential experts on business startup and compliance matters.

Can an H-1B Visa Holder Start an LLC?

People interpret the American dream differently. For many foreigners, it likely represents an opportunity for prosperity and success. Coming to the United States and starting a business is often the start of that prosperity. The United States government allows...

H1B Visa Close Up

How to Start a Daycare Business

Daycare businesses provide a critical service to working families. Parents and guardians need reliable, responsible childcare services to ensure that their children are well taken care of while adults in the household work hard to earn a living. Before starting a...

Daycare Teacher Reading to Children

What is a Holding Company?

Many business owners operate multiple businesses and there’s a good reason for that. Once you have one business and business structure in place, it’s much easier to get a new business off the ground than if you had to start from scratch each time. At some point in...

Structure Concept of Connected Balls


When you’re starting a small business that has more than one owner, you and your partner(s) may have concerns about your personal liability risks. If this is the case, it would be wise to compare LLP vs. LLC business structures. Limited liability partnerships (LLP)...

Blocks Balancing on a Scale

How to Legally Start a Nonprofit Business

There is nothing more fulfilling than directing time and energy toward helping others in need. If you're passionate about a cause, you may have wondered how to start a nonprofit business. Some aspects of starting a nonprofit organization are similar to starting a...

Happy volunteer looking at donation box

How to Start an Amazon Business

If you've been intrigued by the flexibility and income potential of selling online, starting an Amazon business is probably at the top of your to-do list. There's no denying Amazon's reach and reputation, which is why so many Americans have a strong pull toward...

woman working sell online in her home

How to Start a Business in West Virginia

A lot of entrepreneurs have decided to start a business in West Virginia and there is good reason. It is centrally located and within an eight-hour drive from major metropolitan areas and it offers some of the country's lowest labor and utility costs. Known as the...

Sunset View of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

How to Find Small Business Grants

Small business owners often ask if they can obtain a grant for their business. The great news is you can. Small business grants range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. Each grant has its own guidelines, requirements, and purposes. Getting a grant doesn’t...

SBA form 1224 Grant / Cooperative Agreement

What Is the Difference Between Sales Tax and Sellers Use Tax?

Whether you sell products or services in one state or many states, it’s imperative to understand your business’s sales tax compliance requirements. To correctly register a business in a state and then file the proper sales tax, you need to know the difference...

Woman at Store Checkout with Credit Card

What Comes After Incorporation? 12 Steps to Keep You On Track

Congratulations! You have officially registered your Limited Liability Company or Corporation with the state. But now what? What happens next? While forming an LLC or Corporation is a critical first step to operating a formal business entity, there's more work to...

Checklist on Wall With Woman in Chair

What are Articles of Organization?

Have you decided to operate your business as a Limited Liability Company (LLC)? If you answered yes, you must comply with your state's requirements for registering your company. Those responsibilities include filing an Articles of Organization (sometimes called a...

Legal Documents Illustration

The State of Small Business Revenue

As a small company, CorpNet understand the challenges small businesses face, especially in an uncertain economy. However, entrepreneurs are resilient and remain the country’s economic backbone. Small businesses account for 99.9% of all businesses in the United...

Bag of Money

Seven Steps to Creating a Business Emergency Preparedness Checklist

It's an understatement to say the last few years have been tumultuous. Nearly every business has felt the pandemic's economic effects, and many have faced natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, draughts, and wildfires. With CorpNet's location in southern...

Emergency Plan 123

What Is an Assumed Business Name?

A company might request to use an assumed business name instead of its legal name for conducting business. This is more commonly known as a DBA (Doing Business As). In this article, I’ll explain why business owners might want to use an assumed business name, how to...

Speech Bubbles With Hello My Name Is

What Is Form 1065?

Partnerships (and LLCs taxed as Partnerships) must get acquainted with this IRS Form 1065 for U.S. Return of Partnership Income. Form 1065 is an information return that Partnerships use to report their income, gains, losses, deductions, and credits. While...

Form 1065

Happy Mother’s Day

As a mother of four, I am very well aware of the challenges and pressures of raising kids today, especially while also running a business. I’ve learned a lot over the years—my first two kids were twins—so I had no choice but to learn quickly. In honor of Mother’s...

Nellie at Children on Beach

How to Change an LLC’s Ownership Percentage

One of the reasons why entrepreneurs find the Limited Liability Company business structure attractive is that it gives them flexibility in dividing ownership among the LLC’s members. How you determine LLC ownership percentages can be based not only on members’...

Percentage Symbol

A New Approach to Setting Business Goals

Success means different things to different people. Regardless of how you define it, success depends on your goals and what you want from your business in the months and years ahead. Often, entrepreneurs think of their business goals as achieving specific metrics...

Woman Looking Out Window Day Dreaming

Can You Transfer LLC Ownership?

In the world of entrepreneurship, change comes in many forms and it is inevitable. People who were once robustly passionate about their business endeavors may find new opportunities or face life situations that lead them to focus on other priorities. What can you...

Transfer Illustration

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