Nellie Akalp

A pioneer in the online legal document filing space since 1997, Nellie has helped more than half a million small businesses and licensed professionals start and maintain companies across the United States, most recently through her Inc.5000 recognized company, CorpNet. She closely follows trends in the industry and shares her wealth of knowledge across various CPA and small business communities, establishing Nellie as one of the most prominent influential experts on business startup and compliance matters.

How Do I Maintain a Business?

After a business is up and running, it's critical to maintain it by fulfilling all of the required business compliance tasks on time. Of course, businesses grow and evolve over time, and therefore, the actions they must take to maintain a business entity also may...

Maintenance Robot

12 Steps for Closing a Corporation by Year End

As difficult as it may be to make the decision to close a business, things can become even more challenging if a business’s owners don’t tie up all the loose ends. If you’re thinking of closing your corporation by year-end, realize that there’s more to the process...


How Many LLCs Can You Have?

As an eager and enterprising entrepreneur, you may set your sights on multiple business ventures and wonder if one person can own multiple LLCs. Fortunately, no federal or state limits exist on the number of LLCs someone can own. However, aspiring business owners should know that other factors could prevent them from having ownership interest in multiple LLCs.

Abstract Random Numbers

Can an LLC Owner File for Unemployment?

Can an LLC owner file for unemployment? The quick answer is yes, but not in every situation. There are advantages to owning a Limited Liability Company (LLC), with tax flexibility, serving as one of the major benefits. How you elect to structure your LLC for tax...

Unemployment Benefits Form

How to Withdraw Money From an LLC

How does a Limited Liability Company (LLC) owner withdraw money from their business? Whether these funds are for personal use or it is considered compensation from the LLC, how they may do that depends on three things: Whether the Limited Liability Company is a...

ATM Withdrawal of Cash

Checklist for Launching a New Business in Indiana

Launching a new business in Indiana can be a smart move due to the state’s favorable business environment. Characterized by relatively low corporate taxes, reasonable regulatory requirements, and a comparatively affordable cost of living, Indiana’s central location...

Downtown Indianapolis Indiana at Night

What Is IRS Form 2553?

IRS Form 2553 (Election by a Small Business Corporation) is the form that a corporation (or other entity eligible to be treated as a corporation) files to be treated as an S corporation for federal tax purposes. The IRS has specific criteria that entities must meet...

IRS 2553 Form

A Guide for Starting a Business in Colorado

Colorado’s economy is just as varied and unique as its people and landscape. Tourists flock from around the world to experience Colorado’s scenery, recreational adventures, and cultural activities. In addition, Colorado has a long successful history of ranching,...

Colorado Skyline With Mountain Backdrop

What Is an Executor of an LLC?

An LLC executor is a designated person or business entity that an LLC’s members appoint to handle certain legal and tax-related aspects of their business at various stages of its existence. An executor might assist LLC members through the business formation...

Man Working on Laptop

A Guide for Starting a Business in Maryland

Maryland’s strategic location on the east coast of the U.S. is within easy reach of major metropolitan cities like Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City. This proximity can give your business access to a large customer base and supply chain...

Baltimore Maryland Downtown

Why Small Businesses Fail

Owning a small business is the American dream. But sometimes, despite all the hard work, that dream turns into a nightmare and businesses don’t make it. Understanding why small businesses fail can be as crucial as knowing the secrets of those that succeed. Being...

Man Looking Out Window in Empty Office

What Is a Certificate of Formation?

If you’re considering starting a business as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), you’ll want to become familiar with the term “Certificate of Formation.” Sometimes called Articles of Organization or Certificate of Organization, a Certificate of Formation is the...

Illustration of a Man Signing a Certificate

Back to School, Back to Your Business

With autumn approaching, many entrepreneurs and other professionals with school-age children face a double dose of challenges. Back to school brings break-neck fall schedules packed with events and extracurricular activities that demand parents’ time. And as kids...

Welcome back to school sign

What Is an Agent for Service of Process?

An agent for service of process is an individual or business that accepts important legal and government notices on behalf of an LLC or Corporation. More commonly known as a registered agent, designating an agent for service of process is a requirement for LLCs,...

Man Receiving Mail

How to Proactively Manage Small Business Compliance

Besides going through all the proper steps to set up a business, understanding and following through with ongoing compliance requirements is immensely important. I regularly address small business compliance considerations in my writings on the CorpNet blog and...

Woman With Clock and Flying Paperwork

Registered Agent Options for Non-Citizens

If you’re a foreign entrepreneur wishing to start a business in the United States, I expect you may have many questions about the process. Non-citizens can own a U.S-based Limited Liability Company (LLC) or C Corporation, and like U.S. residents, non-resident...

Woman Smiling at Desk

How to Appoint a Registered Agent

Appointing a registered agent for your business entity isn’t terribly difficult, but it does require a little effort on your part. Whether you’re starting a brand new business and need to designate a registered agent for the first time or you want to change your...

Woman in Business Suit talking on Phone

What is a Corporate Resolution?

A corporate resolution is a formal record of a corporation's board of directors' decisions and actions on behalf of the company. States require incorporated companies to use corporate resolutions for recording major business decisions. The company's board of directors must vote to approve resolutions either during board meetings or in writing. 

Older Businessman Reading Document

Should I Be My Own Registered Agent?

The owner of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation might consider being their own registered agent since it eliminates the cost of contracting another party to accept service of process and other official notifications on the business’s behalf. However,...

Legal Documents Illustration

A Guide for Starting a Business in Michigan

If you’ve been thinking about starting a business in Michigan, you're in good company. With plentiful resources, incentives, and loans, Michigan is home to 902,000 small businesses that represent 48.3 % of the state's workers. Michigan offers one of the best...

Aerial view of downtown Detroit at twilight

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