Nellie Akalp

A pioneer in the online legal document filing space since 1997, Nellie has helped more than half a million small businesses and licensed professionals start and maintain companies across the United States, most recently through her Inc.5000 recognized company, CorpNet. She closely follows trends in the industry and shares her wealth of knowledge across various CPA and small business communities, establishing Nellie as one of the most prominent influential experts on business startup and compliance matters.

How to Perform a Business Name Search for Any State in the US

Along with deciding whether your company will operate as a Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Company (LLC), General Partnership, C Corporation, or S Corporation, selecting the right name for your new business is an important early step. And while choosing a...

Search Bar

Can You Turn a DBA into an LLC?

Many business owners who operate as a Sole Proprietorship or Partnership use a DBA (Doing Business As) name to market their business more effectively and present a more professional image. A DBA can serve a business well, but it’s important to realize it is just a...

DBA Convert Symbol LLC

How to Become a Successful Solopreneur

If you find joy in working on your own, managing day-to-day operations while scheming grand plans for the future, you may have what it takes to become a successful solopreneur. While there have always been solopreneurs, the concept of a person forming and growing a...

Female Content Creator Talking on Camera

Should a Single-Member LLC Have an Operating Agreement?

If you’re the owner of a single-member LLC, you may be wondering if you need an operating agreement for your business. It’s a valid question. You may assume that since you are the sole owner you probably don't need an agreement. After all, you are in complete...

Legal Documents Illustration

What is a C Corporation?

A C Corporation is a legal structure for a company that is authorized by the state to conduct business. Its owners, who are referred to as shareholders, are taxed separately from the business, and in most cases cannot be held personally responsible for business...

C Corporation Text With Question Mark

What Is a Publication Requirement?

Some states require business owners to publish a notice in a local newspaper after they form or make certain changes to their business entities. States’ publishing requirements help inform the public about new business entities and significant changes to existing...

Small Boy Holding a Newspaper

Eleven Disadvantages of Choosing a Sole Proprietorship

A Sole Proprietorship is the most popular business structure in the U.S., with nearly three out of four businesses operating as one. But if you’re running a Sole Proprietorship or thinking about starting a business that will operate as one, it’s important that...

Woman Alone in Large Office

Payroll Taxes 101

Whether you’re a Sole Proprietor with only a handful of workers or a corporation with hundreds of employees, you are responsible for collecting and paying employment taxes to federal and state tax agencies. However, while federal payroll taxes are the same no...

Payroll Report on Laptop

How the Corporate Transparency Act Affects Your Company

Per the recently passed Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), owners of smaller Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and corporations will soon have another compliance requirement to adhere to this year. LLCs and corporations with fewer than 20 employees must report...

Government Paperwork Cartoon

How to Avoid Double Taxation as an LLC or S Corporation

There are a whole host of reasons to incorporate as a C Corporation. For example, the C Corporation is the preferred structure if you intend on seeking VC funding or taking the company public. However, forming a C Corporation involves more paperwork, legal fine...

Man Running From Taxes

Does Your Business Need a DBA?

Do you need a DBA for your business? It is a common question for evolving and growing businesses. Let's explore what a DBA is, what benefits it offers, and discuss some situations when you might need to file a DBA. What is a DBA? A DBA is a fictitious business...

Middle age woman working on her blog

How Many Members Can an LLC Have?

Besides personal liability protection, flexibility is among the top reasons entrepreneurs choose the Limited Liability Company (LLC) business structure for their companies. An LLC can have an unlimited number of owners, called “members” (with few restrictions on...

Abstract of Network of People

Can You File Your Own LLC?

Many entrepreneurs who want to form a Limited Liability Company (LLC) think they must hire a lawyer to handle the paperwork. They’re mistaken! While it’s helpful to consult an attorney about which business entity type is right for your business and get answers to...

Woman Working on Laptop at Home

The Top Reasons Startup Businesses Fail

No one starts a business to see it fail. Seeds of ideas slowly germinate into full-blown business plans bursting forth with sparkle and optimism. This business is your dream and you’ve given it your heart and soul.  You know it won’t fail. I’m sorry to say that...

Unhappy Businessman

How to Calculate Profit Margins

Passion, energy, and enthusiasm are essential entrepreneurial traits for launching a business — and so is an understanding of financial performance. To sustain and grow an LLC or Corporation, a business owner must keep an eye on its profitability. Calculating...

Business Woman Working on Financial Calculations

What is a Business Statement of Purpose for an LLC or Corporation?

When starting a Limited Liability Company or C Corporation, businesses in most states must provide a written statement of business purpose in their formation documents (Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization). The business purpose statement describes...

Vintage Typewriter With Paper

Can I Use a Home Address for My LLC?

Using a home address to register an LLC or incorporate a business is something many entrepreneurs think about doing. That’s understandable because many new businesses start their journey in the entrepreneur's home or garage, which allows the business to avoid...

Woman With Question Marks

Tax Registration: What Your Business Needs to Know

Whether you’re a business accountant serving entrepreneurs or you’re a business owner, it’s critical to understand sales and employment tax registration and ongoing requirements. Federal payroll taxes are the same no matter where a business is located, but state...

Tax Form iPad Calculator

How Much Do Small Business Owners Really Make?

We all dream of having our own business, being the boss, and controlling our own destiny. I can assure you the dream is indeed possible. But will that dream, and future success be enough? How much do small business owners really make per year? And will it be enough...

Woman Holding a Handful of Money

What Is a BOI Report and Do You Need to File One?

Did you know many businesses will have a new federal reporting requirement in 2024? Most registered business entities — like Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and Corporations — must file a beneficial ownership information (BOI) report with the Financial Crimes...

Businessman Filing Online Report via Table

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