Nellie Akalp

A pioneer in the online legal document filing space since 1997, Nellie has helped more than half a million small businesses and licensed professionals start and maintain companies across the United States, most recently through her Inc.5000 recognized company, CorpNet. She closely follows trends in the industry and shares her wealth of knowledge across various CPA and small business communities, establishing Nellie as one of the most prominent influential experts on business startup and compliance matters.

BOI Reporting Requirements By Business Entity Type

As the deadline approaches for reporting companies to submit their BOI report to FinCEN, many business owners are still questioning if they need to file a report. I field that sort of inquiry a lot when presenting webinars on the topic and the answer is often...

Businessman Filing Online Report via Table

Consequences of Not Filing a BOI Report

By now, you’ve hopefully heard about the beneficial ownership information report that many businesses must file before the year's end. The BOI report is filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and it is designed to document information about...

Illustration of Man Receiving Fines

Nexus and State Reciprocity

Nexus and state reciprocity are important topics for business owners and employees, as they can have tax implications for both parties. These topics might seem confusing until you understand the context in which they apply, so let’s break them down for a closer...

Employees Scattered on US Map

Legal Requirements for Hiring Employees

Small businesses hire nearly half of all private sector employees in the United States, with about 61.6 million people working for more than 33 million businesses across the country, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). If you’re a small...

Employee Interview

How to Legally Dissolve a Corporation or LLC

Just like life, running a business has its share of ups, downs, and surprises, which is why there are many different reasons why business owners may want to dissolve their LLC or Corporation. Dissolution, the act of formally dissolving (closing) a business entity...

Women in Storefront Holding Close Sign

Creative Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Paying taxes is a necessary task for small business owners, but there are ways to minimize the amount you must turn over to the government. While you’ve certainly heard of tax deductions, and hopefully are taking advantage of some, there are some lesser-known...

Woman Cutting Word Tax

Hiring Remote Employees in Another State

The number of employees working remotely increased dramatically in recent years, turning the traditional workplace model on its head. It’s estimated that by 2025, 22% of Americans will be fully remote. While many employees love the flexibility of working remotely,...

Employee Profiles on Computer

Legal Requirements for Hiring Out-of-State Employees

While hiring out-of-state employees can provide many benefits for your business, doing so presents some challenges you should consider before moving forward. Compliance laws vary, but every state has regulations pertaining to hiring, payroll, taxes, benefits, and...

Employees Leaning Against Wall

What Is Reasonable Compensation for an S Corporation?

Operating a business as an S Corporation can provide some tax advantages for a company and its shareholders, but it also means complying with rules imposed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including the need for employees to be given “reasonable compensation”...

Man Holding a Paycheck

Nexus FAQs for Accountants and CPAs

As you work with business clients who sell their products and services over state lines, “nexus” is a little term with big implications. Recently, Milton Turcios, CorpNet’s VP of operations, hosted a Facebook Live event featuring Elisa Reyes, principal and CPA at...

Milton Turcios and Elisa Reyes

Do Inactive Business Entities Need to File a BOI Report?

Some business owners have expressed confusion over whether they must file a beneficial ownership information (BOI) report if their business entity ceased to exist before the BOI reporting requirements took effect on January 1, 2024. Fortunately, the Financial...

Closed Sign on Business Window

How to Keep Your LLC or Corporation in Good Standing

When you’re faced with the daily challenges of operating a business, details concerning compliance issues can easily be overlooked. You should be aware, however, that allowing that to happen can result in serious consequences. Once you’ve registered your...

Business man holding "Compliance" sign

Dissolutions and Moving Your Business to a New State

If you’re planning to close your business—either close it altogether or close it in one state and move it to another—there’s a process you must follow. The exact requirements and process can vary depending on your entity type, state, location in the state, the...

Man Carrying Moving Boxes in an Office

Starting a Business in Retirement

About 4.1 million Americans will turn 65 in 2024, signaling the start of what’s being called the “Peak 65” zone. By 2030, all baby boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) will have turned 65, a common age for retiring. While many people view retirement as a...

Senior Knitting

Do I Need a DBA If I Use My Own Name?

A Doing Business As (DBA) name—sometimes called a fictitious business name, assumed name, or trade name—is necessary when conducting business under a name other than a company’s legal name. DBA laws help protect consumers by ensuring the public has a way of knowing...

DBA With Question Marks

Can Your LLC Have the Same Name as One in a Different State?

You probably know that your Limited Liability Company (LLC) can’t have the same name as another business in your state, but what about a business in a different state? That’s a question you’ll need to think about if you’re considering expanding your LLC into other...

Speech Bubbles With Hello My Name Is

Can a CPA Set Up an LLC for a Client?

As a seasoned accounting professional, you have earned your clients’ trust and respect. Because your business clients know they can count on you to handle their accounting and tax matters, they may wonder about other ways you can assist them. For instance, someone...

Accountant Shaking Hands With Client

How to Find a Registered Agent for Your LLC

If you have a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or other business that’s registered with the state, you must have a registered agent designated to receive legal correspondence and other documents on its behalf. If your LLC operates in more than one state, you’ll need...

Man Reviewing Documents

The Best States to Form an LLC for Privacy

For various reasons, people sometimes want to form a business while keeping their identities private. That can be accomplished by registering an anonymous LLC, sometimes called a private or confidential LLC. States that allow these types of LLCs do not publicly...

Locks With Private LLC Text

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