Nellie Akalp

A pioneer in the online legal document filing space since 1997, Nellie has helped more than half a million small businesses and licensed professionals start and maintain companies across the United States, most recently through her Inc.5000 recognized company, CorpNet. She closely follows trends in the industry and shares her wealth of knowledge across various CPA and small business communities, establishing Nellie as one of the most prominent influential experts on business startup and compliance matters.

Traditional LLC vs. Close LLC

A Close LLC and a traditional LLC are essentially the same regarding how they’re formed, the personal liability protection they provide to business owners, and the tax flexibility they provide. A traditional LLC and a Close LLC have the following similarities: Both...

Traditional LLC vs Close LLC

Can I Change My Sole Proprietorship to an LLC?

If you’re wondering if you’re able to change your Sole Proprietorship to a Limited Liability Company, the answer is a resounding yes. And I’ll go a step further and tell you that not only can you change your Sole Proprietorship to an LLC, but that you probably...

Sole Proprietorship -> LLC

Does a Foreign Corporation Need an EIN?

Obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is one of multiple steps involved in getting a foreign-owned Corporation set up to conduct business in the United States. An EIN is a nine-digit federal tax ID number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)....

Employer Identification Number (EIN) written on legal document

Who Is Authorized to File a BOI Report?

If a company is required under the Corporate Transparency Act to submit a BOI report to FinCEN, an authorized individual must file the report. But who is authorized to file the BOI report? The business’s owner may file the BOI report or authorize an employee or...

Silhouette of People

Who Is a Beneficial Owner of a Business?

Any business entity that meets the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) definition of a reporting company must report its beneficial owners in a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). While some...

Abstract of Network of People

How to Properly Handle Your Company’s Annual Meeting Minutes

Businesses that have incorporated as a corporation or formed a limited liability company (LLC) must carefully document their compliance activities. For example, when a corporation holds its annual general meeting (a.k.a, annual shareholder meeting), it must keep a...

Legal Document and Pen Cartoon Image

How to File an Annual Report for an LLC

An LLC annual report is a form that most states require domestic and foreign Limited Liability Companies to submit each year or biennially. A critical compliance task for keeping a business entity in good standing, filing an annual report updates the state on an...

Checkboxes With Text How to File An Annual Report for Your LLC

Do I Need to Renew My LLC Every Year?

Registered Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are required to renew their registration, which is an important step in remaining compliant with applicable laws and regulations. Nearly every state calls for some type of renewal filing for LLCs and renewal...

Calendar and Clock

Corporation Annual Shareholder Meeting Requirements

If your business is set up and registered as a Corporation, you’re required by law to hold an annual shareholder meeting and to document the meeting with minutes. Annual shareholder meetings, sometimes referred to as annual general meetings, are intended to give...

Shareholder Meeting With Men Speaking on Stage

The Purpose of BOI Reporting

Why does FinCEN need a BOI report? Could the purpose of BOI reporting be so great that businesses across the USA have to file yet another report with the government? That’s the question many business owners have been asking since the Corporate Transparency Act of...


Annual Report Requirements

Are you confused about your business' annual report requirements and if you need to complete one? You're not alone. Requirements for annual reports vary by state, so they can be a little intimidating for the average business owner. If your business is a Limited...

Annual Report Confirmation on Mac

Understanding the Various Types of LLCs

While you are familiar with the Limited Liability Company business entity, you may not realize there are different types of LLC business structures. In a recent live presentation to accounting and tax professionals, our own Amanda Beren walked through what an LLC...

Different Businesses in Downtown Street

Benefits of Forming an LLC

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) business structure is a popular choice for entrepreneurs who want to protect their personal assets, enjoy tax and management flexibility, and keep corporate formalities to a minimum. In this article, I’ll discuss the main...

Woman standing at counter

The Ultimate Buying a Business Checklist

If you aspire to start a business but are hesitant because of the risks, you’re wise to be cautious. According to recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, nearly one in four new businesses fail within their first year of operation. But fear of failure doesn’t...

Businesspeople Having Meeting In Modern Open Plan Office

Do I Need to Register an LLC and Obtain a Business License?

Many entrepreneurs assume that after going through all the steps of setting up and filing a Limited Liability Company (LLC) with the state, they’re free to begin doing business. While that assumption is understandable, it’s not correct. Before you can hang out your...

Certificate With Text That Reads "LLC Registration, Business License, Or Both?"

What to Expect When Selling Your Business

Deciding to sell a business you’ve worked hard to start and build is seldom an easy or hastily made decision, but the truth is that it happens all the time for a variety of reasons. Why would anyone want to sell something they’ve created? Maybe you are a serial...

businessman with clipboard at warehouse

Should You Incorporate at Year End or Wait Until 2025?

If you’re gearing up to incorporate and get your business off the ground at the start of 2025, you might wonder when to file your business formation paperwork. Can you submit your incorporation forms now and request an effective date that is delayed? After all, the...

Calendar Days in a Pile

S Corporation vs. LLC

Limited liability companies (LLCs) and S Corporations are business structures that provide liability protection for business owners and allow for pass-through tax treatment. While they have those things (and some others) in common, they differ in several ways, too....

LLC and S Corp Balanced

Incorporate Before Year End to Avoid Issues at the Secretary of State

Think you’re the only business owner who wants to incorporate or form an LLC before the end of the year with your Secretary of State? Think again. Registering a business at the end of a calendar year can take longer than any other time of the year. Because everyone...

Businessman Running

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