Nellie Akalp

A pioneer in the online legal document filing space since 1997, Nellie has helped more than half a million small businesses and licensed professionals start and maintain companies across the United States, most recently through her Inc.5000 recognized company, CorpNet. She closely follows trends in the industry and shares her wealth of knowledge across various CPA and small business communities, establishing Nellie as one of the most prominent influential experts on business startup and compliance matters.

How to Start a Tutoring Business

Wondering how to start a tutoring business? This step-by-step guide will help you through the planning and launch process.

Female Tutor Working With Male Student

Does Your Business Need a Sales Tax License?

Does your business need to collect sales tax and remit it to the state or local tax authority? And if it does, how do you go about getting a sales tax license? Moreover, what if your business is selling your products across state lines? Do you need to charge and...

Woman at Store Checkout with Credit Card

How to Start a Dropshipping Business

It's estimated that a third or more of e-commerce brands use dropshipping as a way to provide products to customers. If you've been thinking about starting an online store but don't want to deal with the costs and hassle of maintaining inventory, you may find the...

Dropship Concept Illustration

The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Subchapter S Corporation

Before the advent of the S Corporation in 1958, entrepreneurs had two options for forming a business entity. They could form a Partnership or a C Corporation, but neither of those business structures fulfilled the needs of many people seeking to start their own...

Desk With S Corp Written On It

What is a Certificate of Registration?

If you’re an accountant, attorney, or in the business of otherwise professionally advising entrepreneurs, you may have had clients inquire about what they need to do to expand their companies into other states. One of the most important steps involved in the...

Multiple State License Plates

How to Start a Trucking Business

If you’ve always wanted to start a trucking business, now could be the perfect time to put your plan into action. The trucking industry has had an immense impact on the U.S. economy. According to American Trucking Association, 71% of the freight tonnage moved in...

Truck and highway at sunset - transportation background

The Consequences of Noncompliance in Business

Business compliance is a phrase that makes many an entrepreneur cringe. But despite the lack of affection for those two words, business owners must take them seriously. The possible consequences for noncompliance range from mild inconvenience to devastating...

Penalties Written in a Neon Sign

Do LLC Owners Pay Self-Employment Tax?

Many small business owners choose to operate their companies under the LLC business structure. They do so with good reason! The LLC offers liability protection to its owners (members), tax flexibility, and compliance simplicity. However, that tax flexibility may...

Man Running From Taxes

The Bookkeeper’s Guide to Outsourcing

How many of your bookkeeping clients are business owners outsourcing their accounting tasks to you? If you’re lucky, probably quite a few, since small and large businesses alike have plenty of complicated financial needs. Smart business owners know that outsourcing...

Creative Team Working

How to Start a Business as a Kid or Teen

Starting a business as a kid or teen is exciting! With it, comes an opportunity to learn life-long skills that will help you become a successful adult. And, of course, there's the money you can earn! But how do you start a business as a kid or teen? Well,...

Four Kids Selling Lemonade

How to Legally Start an eCommerce Business

If you have been considering starting an eCommerce business, you’re exploring an industry with a promising outlook. The last few years have forced many people to buy products online and this new way of shopping isn't going away anytime soon. In today's article,...

Woman Shipping Product for Online Store

What Is an Anonymous LLC?

While it may sound mysterious and intriguing, an anonymous LLC (also known as a private or confidential LLC) is like a regular Limited Liability Company, except its members are not publicly identified by the state. The names, addresses, and contact information for...

Male and Female Profile Silhouettes

What Is a Pass-Through Entity?

A pass-through entity refers to a business that does not pay income tax of its own. Its income, losses, credits, and deductions “pass-through” to each business owner’s personal tax return, where its profits are taxed according to each owner’s individual income tax rate. Sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, and S Corporations are all pass-through entities. Corporations, and limited liability companies that elect to be taxed as a corporation, are not pass-through entities.

Tax Form iPad Calculator

Can You Have Multiple EIN Numbers?

Just as a Social Security Number identifies an individual taxpayer, an Employer Identification Number (also known as an EIN, Federal Tax ID Number, or FTIN) is a nine-digit number that identifies a business entity. In addition to the IRS and other tax authorities...

Application for Employer Identification Number

How to Start a Business in the USA as a Foreigner

The United States of America holds 13.5% of the global GDP and is only second to China in its share of global revenue. This statistic, along with its strong economy, makes the United States an ideal location for foreigners to start a business and capture that...

conceptual image with business people standing in front of globe

What Happens If You Accidentally Miss a Tax Deadline?

In this article, I’ll discuss the potential consequences for professional tax services providers and their clients (taxpayers) when tasks get forgotten and tax deadlines have been missed. I’ll also touch on options for resolving late filing and payment issues with government agencies.

Tax Calendar With Coins Next to it and Penalty Written Over it

A State-by-State Guide to Seller’s Permits

If your business plans to sell products or services, most states will require you to obtain a seller’s permit. This seller's permit can also be called a sales tax license or sales and use tax permit. The process and fees for obtaining a seller’s permit vary by...

United States Map

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